We advise on key Sales and Marketing issues that determine success in the marketplace
Marketing Strategy:
- Customer Segmentation: defining the correct target consumers to build market share
- Customers Insight Development: understanding the key consumer insights driving purchases
- Marketing Mix Optimisation: defining the winning mix to build brand success
Branding Strategy:
- Brand Management: conducting strategic brand diagnostics to renew brand success
- Brand Portfolio: finalising brand portfolio in line with consumer behavior and segmentation
Product Strategy:
- New Product Development: determing new product strategy to lead category
- Product Mix: optimising product range to capture share profitably
Route to Market:
- RTM/ GTM Strategy: determining efficient yet cost effective RTM to penetrate market
- Channel Development: finalsing new channel strategy to deepen sales
- Sales Force Optimisation: determining effective resource allocation in the field
Pricing Strategy:
- Pricing Tactics: finalising pricing strategies to beat competition
- Price Benchmarking: positioning strategy in line with value proposition